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About Golden Eagle

Golden Eagle Technologies provides full-service information technology consulting services to small businesses, corporate clients and government agencies and is located in San Luis Obispo County in the State of California.  We offer our clients Managed IT Services, Data Management Services and Systems Development and Integration.

Golden Eagle is a certified small business in the State of California and we offer our clients consultants that have a deep understanding and background of their prospective areas of expertise. We have a proven track record of successful delivery of products and services focused on enterprise data integration, data warehousing, database programming, business intelligence reporting, data migration/conversion, customized web applications, performance optimization and managed IT services.


Kirk Noe, PMP, MCP+I

Kirk Noe has 20+ years of experience as a solution architect and technical lead and has successfully completed several large-scale enterprise wide data conversion and warehousing engagements. Mr. Noe has a proven track record of building successful data warehousing, reporting and integration solutions for both private sector clients and government agencies in California.  Mr. Noe has worked extensively with the Department of Health Care Services as an Information Architect on the State's Medicaid Information Technology Architecture (MITA) team and the Enterprise Performance Monitoring (EPM) team; a business intelligence team at DHCS.  Mr. Noe was a Technical Subject Matter Expert for the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD) for the Health Care Payments Data Program (HPD); the State's All Payer Claim Database (APCD) planning initiative. He is a certified Project Management Professional as well as a Microsoft Certified Professional.

Certified -California Multiple Awards Schedule (CMAS)

Golden Eagle Technologies has been approved by the State of California Department of General Services to establish a contract for providing services to State and Local Government entities under the California Multiple Award Schedule.

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